Menu and widgets In his explanation, Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) uses the assumption of the earths rotation to show the west how absurd a theory it is. This is not what the Quran says at all. You would see everything outside the train window moving and it would feel to you that you are stationary. The mid-ocean ridges are formed at the edges of two tectonic plates. earth is stationary quran verse . But thanks to the masterly language of the Quran this observation went unnoticed. Allah let us discover those on our own. Hello, in Islam, most scholars say the first heaven is the universe, and we are unable to go any higher than that because the heavens are so big and we will never have enough fuel to get all the way up there. It may reasonably be asked that if the Quran genuinely refers to seafloor spreading, then does it refer to the destruction of the Earths crust which is an equally important and fundamental part of the story? English: Is the Earth Really Flat According to the Quran? Wiki-Islam Refuted and is not stationary as the FEM suggests. It is a matter of choice; believe in God and his Quran and his laws, or believe Hollywood, the ruling elites, NASA jokes, and the so called Gravity and Science. The people have been brainwashed in all field politically, scientifically, religiously, economically, and socially, and militarily. He has served as the science editor for the Review of Religions (one of the oldest English-language magazines on comparative religions), writes for national and online media, and is a speaker on University lecture circuits on issues relating to Muslim youth and Islam in the modern world. Unquestionably, He is the Dignified, the Forgiving. Will they not believe? Rebuttals to "Islamic Information" : Science in the Quran - 11 : The Clearly, the earth was stationary. Imagine that. The birds referred to are not literal birds but highly spiritual people, though a few other interpretations are possible, none of which include talking birds. , and during the night you shall glorify, as well as at the ends of the day, so that you may be content. Level up the land or Flat the land They are more eager to find ways to bend the words of the Quran to the falsehood of the dajjal. Others have pointed out why seven heavens cannot mean atmospheric layers. [27:89] If the mountains are declared to be in constant motion, then the only logical inference to be drawn from this would be that the earth is also rotating along with them. VERSE 4: And you see the mountains, thinking they are standing still, when in fact they are moving just like the movement of the clouds. Oh alright then, heres one for you: The second argument is that because Ramadan is really long at the Polar regions (despite the fact that the Prophet of Islam gave advice on how to manage religious obligations when days are long) the Quran must have envisaged a flat earth. Your email address will not be published. Just another site. It says that God sends water from the sky, it says that the stars and planets are in the lower sky, it says that God lifted up the sky, it says that the sun and moon both swim/circle in the sky. eg Mankind establish the salat, and maintain building/mosque etc. In so far as the prerogative to determine the movement of celestial bodies belongs to those in the fields of astronomy, cosmology, etc., those in the field of religious scholarship are required to submit to their opinions on these issues. Allahs each word is full of meanings. Growing up reading the Holy Quran from a young age, it was very obvious that either the Earth is spinning according to the Holy Quran or there is continental drift. Einstein later explained very well why it failed. - Islamic Art Printable - Calligraphy - Quran verse - Modern Muslim Decor - Boho. To refer this part of the statement to the future is impermissible. If the sun were as swift as the moon then the seasons would not be formed correctly. Quran 15:19 And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance. They serve us in such a manner that they would never become tired or ever be off duty. They mean that the Earth is stationary and the Sun moves around the Earth and thus we have day and night. 57K views, 7.7K likes, 1K loves, 390 comments, 1K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Dr Zakir Naik: The Quran Mentions the Earth is Spherical in Shape 1400 years ago - Dr Zakir Naik QMS-4 #The. The Official Site of Philip T. Rivera. This glorious verse also confirms the laws of Inertia, explaining why we do not feel the spinning of the Earth or its movement in its orbit. In his commentary, Imam Alusi (d. 1317/1854) states that some philosophers in his time argued that it was the sun that was stationary and the earth that revolved around it. The Qur'an mentions the actual shape of the earth in the following verse: "And we have made the earth egg shaped". They sell the ayaat of Allah for a paltry price. TheDuaCo. Likewise, if a person near the edge of the flat Earth throws a ball upwards above his head, it will be pulled sideways and would land a few feet away from where he is standing, and in the direction of the centre of the disc-shaped Earth. As new crust forms at mid-ocean ridges, it produces a force termed ridge-push and as the lithosphere of one tectonic plate subducts into the mantle, it produces another force called slab-pull. Home; Help; Search; Listen to the Quran; Login; Register Only the stars, the moon and the sun are in motion. If earth were flat, it would not have a diameter. There has been disagreement over as to which of these two forces is most responsible for seafloor spreading. Also, to translate this verse to indicate that though humans today consider the mountains to be stationary, they are not so because in future they will fly, would be evidently wrong. 1 Sometimes it is considered that this verse has connection with Qiyamat. hur mnga svenskar har 10 miljoner. However, it is too complicated to discuss here. But as has been demonstrated, this misinterpretation would be absolutely unacceptable for the following reasons:The verse clearly speaks in the present tense and not in the future tense. This is the idea that all continents were once one land mass, and slowly drifted apart to their present-day positions. Does the Quran Say the Sun Sets in a Muddy Spring? Posted by Tahir Nasser | 4 Jul 2019 | Blog | 61 |. mythology which says stars are at the lowest heaven. Quran Tells About Rotation And Movement Of Sun In Space Tahir Nasser is a writer, moonlighting as a medical doctor. [Tafseer Noorul Irfaan], Allah Taala further states, The sun is not permitted to overtake the moon, nor can the night overtake the day. The first argument is that the Quran describes the journey of Dhul Qarnain (Cyrus the Great) Westwards, stopping at a point where the sun sets into a body of water, muddy in nature. I think that you should inform yourself some more about the Michaelson and Morley experiment, which was one of the scientific experiments that became famous because it failed completely. and His Messenger, even though they be their fathers or their sons or their brotheren or their kinsmen." The focal point (center) of the earthquake is the point under the earth's surface where the earthquake energy is released. Trying to bend the verses to fit the narrative of the modern science is literally pushing donw the scripture, Earth is flat and geocentric as we experience , NASA LIES SO DOES ALL GOVERMENTS. The point is so absurd it needs no refutation. The underlined words in 39:5 therefore confirm the rolling/spinning of the Earth. The Holy Quran contains many scientific signs in Astronomy and Cosmology. Maybe devils in that verse means devil-like people, maybe there were evil people back then that were scared of shooting stars for some reason, but that is just my theory. secondly, the Quran says the sun and the moon are in between heaven. Dharti gol hai The verse refers to this illusion and speaks of the motion of mountains like clouds. Zameen gol hai If you want to be scientific then So if it just means many it could simply refer to the billions of star systems in the universe. Set not up, therefore, equals to Allah, while you know. [2:23], And the earth We have spread out [farashna], and how excellently do We prepare things! [51:49], And the earth have We spread out [madadna], and set therein firm mountains and caused everything to grow therein in proper proportion. [15:20], And the earth We have spread it out [madadna-ha], and placed therein firm mountains; and We have made to grow therein every kind of beautiful species. [50:8], He, Who has made the earth for you a cradle [mahd], and has made pathways, for you therein, that you may follow the right way [43:11], It is He Who has made the earth for you a cradle [mahd], and has caused pathways for you to run through it; and Who sends down rain from the sky, and thereby We bring forth various kinds of vegetation. [20:54], And Allah has made the earth for you a wide expanse [bisaat] [71:20], And the earth, along with it, He spread forth [dahaa]. [79:31]. As in other subjects . The mountains that you see, you think they are stationary while they are constantly floating like the floating of clouds. Wiki-Islam claims that the Quran presents the world as flat on account of the following words used in the following verses: Who made the earth a bed [firash] for you, and the heaven a roof, and caused water to come down from the clouds and therewith brought forth fruits for your sustenance. In his second treatise, Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has elaborated that the sun is in motion while earth is static based on astronomical observations and calculations. What will the heavens and the earth establish/maintain by the command of Allah. I think its referring to multiverses. 9 Scientific Miracles of the Quran (No. 4 Will Surprise You!) Except that the Quran nowhere states that. You said: Moreover, the word jibaal is never conjoined with the Earth spreading out. Hahahah ur not a Muslim man up dont disguise urself ,if ur a Christian urs bible contradicts itself and there four versions of bibles they all contradict each others.If ur a Hindus which I believe ur read ur Mahabharata Ramayana epics how many fairytales are there. It just shows a different understanding of the verse. This ideology finds its routes in the ancient 'Geocentric Model' attributed to the Greco-Roman astronomer Ptolemy (100-170 AD). The Earth is indeed flat, that is what the Quran and the Bible say. Karo = do (present tense) which indicates that the expansion of the universe is a continuous process. DONATE TODAY to Ex-Muslims of North America: scholar teaches kids that science is wrong and that the earth does not rota. After all, they are in separate verses. The Holy Quran, Chapter 79, Verse 30 + The "dahu" in the Arabic Language means to extend and even out. This verse confirms that the Earth with its 2 sides: a dark side (Night) and a lit side (Day) travels in an orbit. . The one flying to the west will reach a distance of 2072 miles because as much as it went to the west, this branch went to the east due to the earths rotation. Wikislam might have said Quran is a flat earth book , and they have done pretty good research on the root words and its meanings, i see you offend a brother who said his opinion . Digging had to be abandoned at that depth because the temperature reached 180 C which was damaging to the equipment used in the drilling. PDF 45. The Earth is Stationary - The earth occupied a unique position in the cosmos, the like of which did not exist anywhere else in space. earth is stationary quran verse ALL MOVE to a prerecorded destiny. Hence such a translation is out of the question. ; your sight will return to you humbled and exhausted. Isaiah 42:5: This is what God the Lord says the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out, who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it: Psalm 136:6: who spread out the earth upon the waters, His love endures forever. I will compare two languages English and Urdu/Hindi and translate them as I Urdu/Hindi is my native language and as you can see I have learned English from school. Such a statement, they would emphasize, could not have been made by an All-Knowing, Supreme Being.Rather than literally comparing the motion of the earth to that of other heavenly bodies, the Quran makes the following statement: . We Muslims are in the sorry state we are today because we put this so called Science above the Quran. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. , God speaks of 4 items, they are (Night - Day - Sun - Moon). The speed with which they complete the heavenly stages helps man to determine the solar and lunar months of the year. (1) And you see the mountains you think them to be solid, and they shall pass away as the passing away of the cloud - the handiwork of Allah who has made everything thoroughly. The term seafloor spreading, dont forget, was not coined by Muslims. If they were indeed immobile, there couldnt be any continental drift. This is the Black Sea, containing muddy springs (hence named Black) and sitting at the Western extent of Cyrus empire. Answering the allegation thatthe Holy Quran claimed that earth is flat. Answer Praise be to Allah. This is just a small segment of one of the simpler arguments put forward by Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh). Today, the 'Flat Earth' followers have their own societies, they hold conferences and believe that they are on a mission to save the world from this sinister conspiracy. Your email address will not be published. The point on the surface of the earth just above the focus (center) is called the epicenter. The Quran clearly describes in many instances that the sky is a ceiling and cannot be penetrated, and never once mentions galaxies or space or void. But I am a Muslim okay and I believe in what Quran contains every word of it and if Quran says earth is flat that means it it, even if NASA says whatever or shows me whatever pictures, let me tell you I will reject all their evidence just because I believe the Quran is from Allah and I dont need any validation for that. Insha Allah hereunder you will find proof from the Holy Qur'an that the earth is in fact stationary and the sun revolves around in an orbit. The vedas have clearly shown all planets and even before NASA figured out how to tell future planet locations and size and distances ;the vedas were accurate then and now being considered discovery by the newer scientists. The Qur'anic earth is flat : DebateReligion - Reddit Nice try, but not very convincing, because the Quran itself contradicts your answer in 15:19, where it not 9nly says that the Earth is spread out (like a carpet) but also that mountains are immobile. Does Religious Practice Cause Cognitive Bias? When you were talking about Sky above us you said it was referring to the layers of our atmosphere. There are many verses of the Holy Quran that clearly show the rotation of the moon and the sun, which are given as under: What relationship does the ocean spreading and the subsequent formation of mountain ridges have to do with the creation of diverse, well proportioned, beautiful pairs, or species? All Rights Reserved. Subhaanallah! It would seem to me that the earth and its spreading is mentioned separately from the mountains that have been made firm. Wallahu alam. In his treatise Fauz-e-Mubeen Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has not only proved that earth is static with 105 argumentations in light of modern physics, but also criticized the ideas of renowned scientists like Galileo, Kepler, Newton and Albert Einstein.
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