essence of all true prophecy. This third description of judgment is an allusion to Isaiah 63:2-3; Jeremiah 51:33; Lamentations 1:15; Joel 3:13 (cf. For certain there are two great acts of resurrection, one when the Old Testament saints and the church are caught up to heaven, the other when Satan was bound after the beast and false prophet were thrown into the lake of fire, as well as Babylon judged. And then comes the gathering and the battle. That is what prophecy is about. The battle joined. unrighteousness. Unlike the kings of the earth who wage war in selfishness, "in righteousness He judges and makes war.". That is, Babylon is viewed in this chapter not so much in her mysterious and religious form, giving currency to every kind of confusion of truth and error, of good and evil, intoxicating, corrupting, and seducing, as all can see, through her wickedly religious influence; but she is viewed here as the most conspicuous aider and abettor of the world in its luxuries and delights and the pride of life, of what men call "civilization." But he ought to have withstood it I do not mean in vengeance (for that belongs to the Lord), but as holily hating the sin itself, yet withal in the deepest compassion for his parent. News Links, Recommended Books, News Sites, and Bibles and ever.". Exactly the same thing is repeated here, and what makes it more apparent is the similarity of the introduction on each occasion. He came to the world, and avenged His people on the beast and the false prophet with the kings and their armies; and after that the risen saints reign with Him over it a thousand years. These are not references to the merciful and benign reign of Christ through his saints on earth in the present dispensation, but to the final wrath and judgment of God upon the ungodly. However, Satan is not yet destroyed. The fallen angels are not called, and the holy angels never need to be they are kept. 19:12 His eyes are a flame of fire, and on his head are many royal crowns, and he has a name written which no one knows except himself. But there never was the thought of giving Christ the only place He could take. come into its fullness. But now heaven is opened for yet graver facts, and of incalculable moment for man and the universe and the enemy. Even when God was judging providentially in the beginning of the Apocalyptic visions (Revelation 4:1-11), associated thrones were seen. What a solemn and weighty fact in the government of God! So here is the praise being given to God and now the encouragement for that praise coming from the throne of God. "On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. In general this has been either passed over in the chapter, or some unsatisfactory inference has been flung out, which can only embroil the prophecy. Second, there are the small and the great. Accordingly the rapture of the church with the Old Testament saints must have already taken place, all (as I have no doubt) being caught up at the self-same time to be with the Lord above. In the midst of the broadway of it, and of the river, on this side and on that, [the] tree of life," bearing not merely as the original one did, but now according to the fulness of the provision of God's grace for man, for man in glory first, but for man on the earth also, but for man in glory "producing twelve fruits, in each month yielding its fruit: and the leaves of the tree for the healing of the nations." Though the divine vengeance will chiefly fall upon the beast, and the false prophet, yet it will be no excuse to those who fight under their banner that they only followed their leaders and obeyed their command; since they would fight for them, they must fall and perish with them. In Christianity you have a God that is reaching out to man. There is nothing like the joy of loving and of being loved. . - Utley, Isaiah 63:1-3; (Source of imagery for the Battle Hymn of the Republic.). This tells us something about our approach to 22:2-14; John 3:29; 2 Cor. We desire that He should come quickly, but we leave this to Him, because we know His love, and can trust Him. It stands for the consuming power of the victorious Christ. Revelation 14:19-20). If you preach on prophecy, you are bringing the testimony of Jesus. (verses 1-10), and returns with Christ in His Triumphal Second Coming (verses Men have been beguiled here and there, and from an early date, to set aside the true bearing of this chapter. Then follows the proclamation of the angel, and the invitation to the supper of the great God, to eat the flesh of all the great ones of the earth. "Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!". come (verse 15; 2:27; 12:5). Again, that it supposes Rome after it had professed the name of Christ I think is not to be doubted, if only from the expression "mystery" attached to Babylon. Our most difficult task here is to discover the picture behind the statement that the warrior Christ has the name King of kings and Lord of lords written on his robe and on his thigh. heaven. there is rejoicing and giving of honor. Then, as we have seen, comes the final test of the nations of the earth after that kingdom has run its course, and the devil let loose once more deceives flesh and blood after the analogy of all other dispensations. He just said it, "Let there be light," and light existed.And in the Hebrew it is even more intensive. And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as a voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth ( Revelation 19:6 ). The voice includes himself among those who claim God as our God. by His sacrificial blood. and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.". 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath 7 made herself ready. We had seen Babylon twice: first, in the circle of God's warnings and testimonies; and then as the object of God's judgment under the seven bowls. Peculiar energy indeed attaches to symbolic language. "Praise our God," says the voice, "all you his servants, you who fear him." revelation 19 - Bible Commentaries - page 2 of 46 Gods permanent crushing of mans rebellion (verse 3); (4) What's amazing is that the Father never calls His Son "My God," though there are at least 7 times in the NT where Jesus called the Father "My God." twice on the cross, once on resurrection morning with Mary, and 4 times in Revelation 3.12. Second Edition, Revised - 1871 The reason is manifest there is a hinderer "one that letteth." Revelation 19:1 Commentaries: After these things I heard something like overwhelming understanding of Who this is. What empire has existed, then sunk, and finally reappeared, with higher pretensions and power, only to perish horribly? It is energised for weal or for woe." It will never happen. (5) . Return to Home Page Genesis. var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; The so-called Battle of Armageddon, as usually conceived, is nothing but man's imagination. heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the Do it not (compare 22:8-9). . The gospel of John and the Revelation perfectly disclose both, whether in grace or in judgment. This shout of rejoicing begins with Hallelujah. Verse 3. Past history therefore in no way suits the prophecy. 19:9-10a And he said to me: "Write! The thrones were already filled. The blessing given could not be taken back. Revelation 19 begins with a multitude in heaven singing a doxology to God. If you preach on prophecy, you are bringing the testimony of Jesus. Worship God." there is a son in the family, who, instead of being admonished by his father's wickedness, takes license from it to indulge the same. But the graphic account does not end until the Spirit of God shows us another view of Babylon altogether. (John 5:24 compared with Romans 14:1-23 and 2 Corinthians 5:1-21.). I am not aware of any MS. in its favour, though some versions represent it. 5:10). And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb." So, he is one of our pastors here, but that is what religion does. _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); 3. It probably came to be so well known to even the simplest member of the Church through its special use as a response of praise in the Easter worship. But the attempt, again, to apply what is said here to a future city of Babylon in Chaldea seems to me no less vain. "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." At the beginning there will have been carnage, as we know, among both the western powers and the eastern powers. But it is blessed that He says, "I come quickly;" and it is only Christ who in scripture ever says so. In the Ascension of Isaiah ( Isaiah 9:5) there is a saying: "Thou canst not bear his name until thou shalt have ascended out of the body." The ambiguity springs from the fact that the testimony of Jesus can bear either of two meanings. The spiritual power is wholly in the hands of the false prophet. His equipage: he is again described as sitting on a white horse, to show the equity of the cause, and certainty of success. "And death and hades were cast into the lake of fire. "Let him that heareth," then, "say, Come." It means true in the sense that Jesus Christ is the one who brings the truth and who never at any time has any falsehood in anything that he says. which sword proceeds out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh ( Revelation 19:21 ). So, Revelation Chapter 16 Explained - She will despise everything really divine; she will only use whatever of God's word she can pervert for increasing her own importance, and gaining a greater ascendancy over the consciences of men, and enjoying herself more luxuriously in this world; for she will go far to obliterate all remembrance of heaven, and to make this world a kind of paradise which she embellishes, not with pure and undefiled religion, but with the arts of men and the idolatries of the world. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 19:11-16 --THE CONQUERING CHRIST. Consequently there will be an increase in population such as never has been approached since the world was made, yet it afterwards appears, that Satan will not fail to turn the masses of the nations into one vast rebellion against the objects of God's special favour on the earth the saints wherever they may be, and the beloved city of Israel, as we have seen. I. And that is the question the prophet asks and Jesus answers, "I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save." PDF Verse By Verse Acts Through Revelation Cgeprginia He was a divine person, whatever new position He assumes for the world. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready ( Revelation 19:7 ). At this point the evil world system has been destroyed and God's kingdom has Not because any of their names were written therein, but in proof that they were not. "The Lord God is the temple of it, and the Lamb as far as we can speak of any. Whoever this angel is, he too had the testimony of Jesus. But that idea is wholly insufficient to cover or meet the word of God, which gives clear and strong reasons that prove the mistake of applying this to the pope as its complete fulfilment. The final shout is the praise of the host of the redeemed. Believers long for a world of justice and it will "Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book." In verse 1, this great voice from heaven was whom? elaborate than those of today. "The Spirit of prophecy" and such it is all through the Revelation after the seven churches are done with "is the testimony of Jesus." THE TE DEUM OF THE ANGELS ( Revelation 19:1-2 ), 19:1-2 After these things I heard what sounded like a great voice of a vast multitude in heaven. In the Revelation two kinds of people are specially called the servants of God; the prophets ( Revelation 10:7; Revelation 11:18; Revelation 22:6), and the martyrs ( Revelation 7:3; Revelation 19:2). 11:2; Eph. (John 12:48). In one sense it would be an eighth, and in another sense it would be of the seven; the eighth perhaps because of its extraordinary resurrection character, yet one of the seven because it is outwardly old imperialism again. We have just seen that it is the eternal state. So, it is the righteousness of Jesus Christ that is imparted to me through my faith in Jesus Christ. 16:17+).Even though judgment is said to be complete at the pouring of the final bowl, we saw that several more chapters were still ahead before the kingdom of God . Jesus at the Last Supper said that he would not again drink of the cup until he drank it new in his Father's kingdom ( Matthew 26:29). But the most ordinary knowledge suffices; for who does not know from the Bible that there was a Roman empire when Christ was born, one emperor, and no such state as that empire divided into ten kingdoms? There was judicial discernment with the distinct possession of all titles to sovereignty. For who knows not the horrors of Mariolatry? After "the nations" in verse 24 omit the words "of them which are saved." The heavenly city, which is the full expression of blessedness on high, has no temple because it is all a temple. Jesus descends majestically to judge in righteousness and rule in power. And they also lasted much longer. It furnishes material for a contrast between the earthly Jerusalem and the heavenly city, because if there be one thing more remarkable than another in Ezekiel's description, it is the temple. The people mentioned here are distinct from the other beings in heaven, Note that there is no fighting or conflict of any kind in view here. stench and the potential for disease. Of course the application to the Roman empire would be immediately in the mind of any Christian at Rome. that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. One of the most approved axioms is, that kingdoms are just like men in this respect, that they begin, rise, and fall. Next comes the marriage of the Lamb to his bride. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God ( Revelation 19:12-13 ). From the manner in which resurrection is referred to in scripture, does not God leave room for this? "Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, because his judgments are true and just, for he judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication, and has avenged upon her the blood of his servants.". This is the From Revelation 4 through 19 we have a section mainly concerned with God's judgment upon the world preceding Jesus' earthly reign, the period known as the "Messianic Woes" or the "Great Tribulation." a. God's judgments are announced by a seven-sealed scroll, seven trumpets, seven signs, and seven bowls that pour out God's wrath. The wine vat actually with your feet pressing down all of these grapes, you can imagine what your clothes would look like. * Idolatry is the awful stamp that she bears, and this too both in what she gives to man, and in what is written on her forehead before God. The true reading here is neither hard nor doubtful save to unbelief. The Lord is not so interested in telling you who you are going to marry or what is going to happen to you next week, the spirit of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. and believers alive in earthly bodies in the kingdom. That God is holding back something good and He really isn't fair to you was the insinuation behind Satan's remarks. * None, however, can be exempt from being manifested before the judgment-seat of Christ, or from giving an account of all done in the body. *It now appears that the Cod. Four beasts: The four beasts are the cherubim as described (in Rev. Although Hallelujah appears only here in the Bible, it occurs in a translated form frequently. It is no problem for the infinite God to reach to finite man. This may suffice for Revelation 18:1-24. bring the climax of the Book of Revelation: the return of Christ to establish Now, this vesture dipped in blood is probably a reference to Isaiah sixty-three. And who would defraud either the soul of salvation, or the Lord of showing it? "Having a wall great and high, having twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names inscribed, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel." The "things to come" are synonymous with death. If so, we can define the true prophet as the man who has received from Christ the message he brings to men, and whose words and works are at one and the same time an act of witness to Christ. I think, therefore, that the elders and the living creatures comprehend both the Old Testament saints and the church, the bride of Christ, that consequently, when the bride is mentioned, there were these others who had been included in the elders and the living creatures, but who are now seen as a separate body. Therefore says the angel, "I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, that hath* the seven heads and the ten horns. They begin to admire the instrument. Verse 6. R. H. Charles finely says that the marriage symbolism "denotes the intimate and indissoluble communion of Christ with the community which he has purchased with his own blood" a communion which is "first reached in fulness by the host of the martyrs.". After that we have the admonitions to the end of this book. Link with Johns vision of Revelation 19:11-16 a meditation on the Hymn "Crown Him with many crowns" and also the stirring Hymn "Onward Christian soldiers." For the day of vengeance is in my heart, and the year of my redeemed is come"( Isaiah 63:3-4 ). "I will betroth you to me for ever," Hosea hears God say, "I will betroth you to me in righteousness" ( Hosea 2:19-20). 13:20), and will be presented to Him at the Rapture (John and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God; the fierce wrath of God against sinners is compared to a winepress; and the wicked antichristian party are likened to clusters of grapes; who being ripe for destruction, are cast into it, and pressed, squeezed, and trodden down by the mighty power of Christ, the Word of God, whose vesture is therefore before said to be dipped in blood; the same metaphor is used in Revelation 14:19 the allusion seems to be to Isaiah 63:3. And then those men who have chosen to cast their lot with Satan in rebellion against God. "Notwithstanding the dogmatic helps which the Church offers, the mind fails to grasp the inmost significance of the Person of Christ, which eludes all efforts to bring it within the terms of human knowledge. God accounts my faith for righteousness. bring the climax of the Book of Revelation: the return of Christ to establish I admit that there may be something more in the symbol than the literal hills of Rome, because they are said to be also seven kings. It is called "the first resurrection." The woman was there seen sitting on a scarlet-coloured beast, i.e., the well-known imperial power of the Roman Empire, "full of [the] names of blasphemy" in its wicked opposition to God, and clothed with the forms we have already seen "seven heads and ten horns." But still we have not the end of Babylon yet. occasion and the downfall of Rome, is said to be "great" partly because of their His blows on this world come more nationally as on Israel; incomparably more severe, as in possession of greater privileges, is the judgment of corrupt Christendom, or Babylon as it is called here. and others give , "of her." His word which hurled the suns in space will execute his will when the time comes. On the contrary, it proved the immediateness of communion. Now there was nothing more repulsive and fatal to paganism in every form than the truth revealed in Christ, which exposed every thing that was not itself not the truth, definite and exclusive. If Christianity does not bring joy, it does not bring anything. Men are not regarded as composing this tabernacle; they co-exist. Revelation 18. The Book of Revelation: Verse by Verse Commentary After that And he treadeth the wine-press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God - This language is probably derived from Isaiah 63:1-4. Commentary on Revelation - [Chapter 19] - Theology First But still it is a very solemn fact to read, and that which we are bound to preach that even in the perfect state of eternity, while there is the brightness of the heaven and of the earth into which no evil can enter, you have all the evil that ever has been all the wicked of every clime and of every age cast into the fixed condition of eternal judgment in the lake of fire. I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God ( Revelation 19:1 ): The judgment of the earth, as far as God's wrath being poured out, has been completed on Babylon.
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